Google TTS, the best text to speech app for android

Google T-T-S, the best text to speech app for android

Are you a Book or Novel lover or do you enjoy reading ? If so chances are that you are have already installed a few audio book reader to assist in your journey of literature right......but did you know that you can change that horrible robotic voice  you are using, yes and that's what is post is all about; The-best-text-to-speech-app-for-android. There a variety of different TTS apps on Google play store but most are not free, Luck you there Google TTS which is a free app by the Technology Guru company Google inc.

SO, what is Google text-to-speech app ?

Google Text-to-speech is a free amazing app that powers applications to read the text on your screen aloud, its comes with a few features such as customizing; reading speed, ability to download a free voice of your choice, supports at-least a good number of languages etc......

It can be used by:
• Google Play Books to “Read Aloud” your favorite book.
• Google Translate to speak translations aloud so that you can hear the pronunciation of a word
• Talk-back and accessibility applications for spoken feedback across your device 
• Can be used by different text-to-speech apps or audio book readers found in the play store.

How do set up Google text-to-speech ?
Step 1
Go to google play store and install google tts on your phone or tablets
Image result for free to use google play store
Step 2
Go the main menu and click on the setting icon to access
the setting menu.
Step 3
Whilst there in the setting menu click on Accessibility>>Text to speech output, by default most phones come already installed with Pico TTs, there  change and select the newly installed Google TTS. Done that simple now you can customize app according in step 4.

Step 4
After choosing to use Google TTS, click on it and customize setting accordingly and download your preferably voice.....i prefer English united kingdom Male.

Done any problem comment below....:-)

Install from Google Play

Reference:Google play-store

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