Google Launches Gallery GO, An Offline PhotoEditor
Google Launches Gallery GO Offline PhotoEditor
Google recently launched Gallery GO an offline photo editor for people or areas with weak/slow or unrealistic internet connection. The android app is an alternative to Google photos and only takes ups 8-10 MB space on a mobile phone. The app uses the same machine learning tools like google and the following are what Gallery GO can do:
- Organise & locate all photos one's Phone in Snap as compared to google photos.
- Allows one to edit photos inside the app for fast
- Allows one to share photos with family and friends via; Bluetooth, Social media & other sharing types.
Gallery Go is just the latest lightweight version of an app designed for developing markets like Nigeria, where it was launched (I guess with Africa's internet in mind). Maybe Gallery Go will replace photos app all in Android OS as a preinstalled Google app. Gallery GO is now Available in Playstore and works well in devives running Android 8.1 Oreo and higher
video credit 9t05gogle
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